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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • Free from protruded mouth through jaw surgery!
  • 2020-02-07 hit.16,052
  • Writer : Moon ***

Surgical motivation

Since middle school, I noticed that my mouth and chin are a little bit bigger than others. I always took pictures with my chin covered. Or I was so nervous that almost no photos came out. So I asked my mom to start braces in high school to improve my protruded mouth. Occlusion is well fitted with braces. But the protruded mouth didn't improve, and the jaw was more noticeable.

From my point of view, I wanted to get facial contouring surgery since I thought my problem was the lantern jaw that I only considering front chin & square jaw surgery. I went to get a consultation at EU because I saw that their surgery review & outcome is really good.  When I visit there, the counselor was very kind and explained to me well and informed me that decided preciously since this is the major surgery. Also, she honestly told me about the side effects that could happen! When I asked if I couldn't do facial contouring surgery because I couldn't give up on but doctor said that facial contouring surgery will be not effective. So I decided to double jaw surgery. First of all, I chose this hospital because trust is important.

Post op 2 days

Wake up once every hour because of the sputum which threat of life. I also drank New Care with straw.


Post op 3 days

I'm home from discharge! My ears are hard to hear and I have stuffy nose. There is only that discomfort and pain is not severe.


Post op 4 days

The face is too swollen. I woke up every hour L


Post op 6 days

Today was a day of walking! I bought castella, cheese and chocolate cakes. My cheeks are still heavy. Ear is getting day by day since I do not ear water sounds anymore.


Post op 7 days

Chewing inside of cheeks fat is a little less than before. I can feel that my mouth swelling is reducing little bit!


Post op 8 days

Going to the hospital to get laser treatment! I really want to brush my teeth.  I can't wait to remove the stitches so my mouth can be refreshing!!~


Post op 11 days

I rode a bicycle and watched a movie. I like the side face line the most. I am trying very hard to remove the swelling.

Post op 13 days

Every day, I visit EU to get deswelling treatment! I really want to eat meat these days. And if I wear pressure bandage on my face because your mouth is swollen, I cannot wear that often L


Post op 19 days

The screw is uncomfortable inside my mouth. I think my mouth works better than others & I can open my mouth wider!

Post op 20 days

I'm eating well, too! I better need to be careful when drinking hot or cold water because my sensation did not comeback fully yet. Also, the shape of my mouth is funny. The numb side seems a little more obtuse.


Post op 23 days

If I look in the mirror, I can't tell the difference between my face and neck. I better need to do the exercise in a month!!

Post op 26 days

The pressure on the ear returned to normal at about 80 percent. When I move my mouth, I still can feel that my muscles are tight in my mouth, so it's painful because I have screws inside my mouth. The swelling looks distinctly different in the evening. I felt like my sensation is coming back about 50 percent. When I brush around my chin, I can clearly see the difference between are that sensation is coming back.


Post op 30 days

I met my friend and laughed a lot at my face. She said I look like a baby. I think it's because my face is still swollen.


Post op 32 days

I visited EU since today is post op 1 month! I should get rid of my swelling soon! I'm happy because everyone said I'm pretty. On the subway today, someone asked me how old I am and said I am 19 years old. And she said that I look much younger than that! Haha!

Post op 36 days

When viewed through X-rays, too, the philtrum was swollen a lot as I expected. I think this area is really slow to reduce the swelling…


Post op 39 days

The discomfort after the operation is that the gum where the screw is inserted sometimes hurts. I can eat soft food like salmon and meat well. Except hard food everything will be ok J so I think it will be fine. I really want to eat Kimchi but I can never eat it. I tried to eat it with my front teeth, but I couldn't eat it and spit it out.


Post op 42 days

After starting a little exercise, the swelling seems to gradually disappear. The mouth ceiling is still numb with the right side. My chin sensation is back around 60%.


Post op 44 days

Everyone compliments that the image has changed a lot. I am satisfied after the surgery from a month later because swelling is reducing every day!


Post op 52 days

It is interesting to see that day by day swelling gradually disappears. The face changes every week.


Post op 57 days

The swelling is decreasing very much! The swelling of the philtrum remains the most on my face, so I'm very satisfied except for the unnatural ones. If you don't look at it from the side, you can't tell!


Post op 69 days

I exercise because there is nothing uncomfortable to forget about the surgery. There's nothing awkward about it!​

Post OP 79 Days

Fight against deswelling! When I look at my face, my face expression gets much better than right now and it seems like my face is chubby. However, I will be patience since my face will be deswelling soon!


Post OP 3 Months

I like my face even more because of swelling. I hope that my face can remain like this! I am glad to Dr. Shin since he made my face shape very natural without sharp chin! I can eat all the food and I can everything as before the surgery. 

Post OP 4 Months

I am spending my time that I never done facial bone surgery before.


Post OP 5 Months

I used to hate it because I could only see my chin when I wore a hat because of my long lower jaw. After surgery, the hat looks good on me and I felt confidence when I look at myself with hat. Before the surgery, my face was so bony but after surgery, I have some swellings on my face and I like it! I prefer round and chubby faces than skinny and long faces.


Post OP 6 Months

I missed the time that when my face have little swelling on it! I felt that my face looks bit cutter with swelling! I am living so comfortably in those days!​

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